Saturday, October 11, 2008

Trevor's Sleeping Habits

Hey Everyone!! Sorry we didn't post last night. Yesterday wasn't particularly busy, it was just kind of long and we don't have a whole lot of new pictures, but I'll post what we got starting with...

This is what Trevor looks like when he sleeps through the night:

Which he has done for the last two nights!! YES!!! Now, he doesn't go down until after 11, but hey, it's several hours of uninterrupted sleep, which is AWESOME. I don't know how we are going to change that, Trevor seems to sleep when he wants to, but we are going to have to change it some how. Maybe when we start getting him up at 5am to go to day care...

Anyway - yesterday our guide from the agency took us shopping in this neat little place that sold traditional Taiwanese items. We haven't been buying a lot of stuff here because most of what we see on the street and in markets, we can get in Chinatown and while carting things through NYC and home on the NJT is a pain, it is a lot easier than carting it half way around the world. We tried to get some stuff for Trevor to give to him as he gets older. We'd like to get him 18 gifts to give him up to his 18th birthday. But we'll see if we get that many. Trevor was, of course awake and squirmy through this trip because we were around a lot of breakable tea sets and statuettes and vases.

After that we came back and hung out at the hotel for a little while and then mom and dad took him on another subway ride to the largest night market in Taipei. It was really cool, but way too crowded. Allan and I both thought the same thing when we got there, "Wow! This is like the Jersey Shore on steroids!" There was a place with boardwalk type games and a large place to buy food and a section that had little souvenirs. I wish it wasn't so crowded because we would have explored more and maybe tried to get something to eat, but it was really hard to get the stroller through or to stop with out getting run over. we ended up getting some shaved ice on the recommendation of some of my students and it was really good. Kinda like Rita's but different. Seeing as this was the busiest place we have been to so far and there was nothing to break, Trevor slept through it.

Today our guide is taking us to the jade market, which Janet and I are really excited about. Then this afternoon we are going to try to go see Taipei 101. Hopefully he'll sleep through the jade market and stay awake for Taipei 101, but knowing him it will be the other way around.

I'll try to post again tonight so Trevor's adoring fans don't have to wait so long, but it will depend on when T-Rex goes to sleep!