Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Pictures I Promised

Hey! Here are some of the pictures I promised you two days ago! They are in no particular order. Like I said in the last post, it's a game.

Adjustment is taking a little bit of time. Sometimes Trevor is happy as anything and sometimes he is all tears and fuss. But the happy moments are stretching longer, so hopefully he will settle in quickly.

Life is pretty busy. We both went to work yesterday. Al will only be working on Fridays for the next few weeks, but I'm back full time until November 17. My students were all questions and excitement yesterday and they can't wait to meet Trevor, especially the band. I showed my classes a slide show of our trip, which was awesome, because all I want to do is talk about how wonderful it all was and I had an interested (if captive) audience five times yesterday. I also had a football game yesterday. It was pretty far away, and I missed Trevor a lot during my 16 hour day, but hey, I am guaranteed sleep on the bus rides, so that's not all bad. Al is playing with Trevor right now, and I'm supposed to be getting ready to leave for our band competition tonight, which I guess I better do because I need to leave in less than an hour. But I thought I'd take this opportunity to get you those pictures I promised and let you know how things are going.