Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another Busy Day

OK, it is really weird to be setting up my fantasy football line up on Sunday NIGHT. (For those of you who are interested, I won last week's game, but I think I'm going to get clobbered this week.) This is the second Sunday in a row I'm going with out football. It's been two whole weeks since I've seen a game and it will probably be one more before I catch my next game. I am definitely going through withdraw, but Trevor is worth it. I can't wait until he's home and I can start teaching him the joys of football. Football...

Anyway - today was another long and busy day! We went to the Jade Market in the morning. There were actually three markets there. A handy craft market, a flower market (you never saw so many orchids in one place at a time!) and the jade market. Then, this afternoon, we hopped the subway and went to Taipei 101. It was pretty neat. The elevators are the fastest in the world. It took less than a minute to go up 80-some floors. There were really great views of the city and the mountains. We ate dinner at a really cool Thai/Chinese fusion type place called the Chrystal Spoon. Trevor was very good through out the whole adventure, even in the crowded elevators. (Better than Mom with the elevators...I hate elevators)

Trevor awake at the jade market.

Taipei 101

We thought for a moment we were in Philadelphia!

Trevor at the top of Taipei 101

Cool Thai restaurant with really good food.

Trevor sleeping in cool Thai restaurant with really good food. (Which means that we got to eat together and in peace!)