Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Trip to McDonalds!

Trevor had his first visit to a McDonald's on the way to GG's in Toledo on the 25th. He loved it. He ate four McNuggets and a good portion of our french fries. Which was quite a sacrifice for mom. Ask Al, I am usually very territorial about my fries. (So territorial that I would not let Al use my fries for the first picture. I made him use his own!) Just goes to show you how motherhood can change you!

Later that day he went with me to buy coffee at a Starbucks on the Ohio Turnpike. Culturally speaking, I think that these two acts officially qualify him as an American Citizen.

December 21st

On the 21st we had "Christmas Morning" at our house. Not a lot to tell. Trevor was still not so sure about opening presents. One of his presents played music and he would turn on the music and start dancing. But he stopped when I got out the camera to take video.

Here's a picture of him eating his Christmas waffles. I know it's not very exciting. But there aren't a whole lot of good pictures of him from this morning.

December 20th

Ok, going to make up for the posting drought. We'll do this by date.

December 20th was "Christmas Eve" with Grandmom and Grandpop Johnson. Aunt Sis, Ellen, and Peggy were there too. Trevor isn't so sure about the opening presents thing. He wasn't real interested, which made the present opening portion of the evening a little longer and more tedious than it needed to be. But the company and the food were excellent and we had a good time. The best part of the evening was watching Grandpop, Ellen, and Sis try to put on Trevor's shoes for about 20 minutes before asking me to come in and finish the job. I wish I had gotten picture!

Anyway - here are some things I did get pictures of...

Trevor and Grandmom

Trevor and Grandpop

Grandpop chasing Trevor, trying to get him interested in opening presents.

Grandmom and Trevor playing with one of his presents.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Long Time No Post

So, Matt (my advisory buddy teacher and fellow MHS marching band director) comes into advisory on Tuesday and the first thing he says is, "It's been a month." And I felt guilty for neglecting the posting for so long. I'd like to to apologize to Trevor's adoring public.

And now that we are in Illinois and Trevor is playing with Grandma and Brian's flight is delayed, I find my self with some time to update the blog. So I will start a posting spree and put up as much as I can before we have to leave to go pick up Brian and D. Hopefully I'll be able to get a lot done, but don't hope for too much because B and D are sitting on the runway with someone blasting Madonna very loudly and no way to escape. I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone.