Saturday, September 27, 2008


We finally got our travel dates!!  I can't tell you how excited we are that we finally have an end date for our waiting.  Right now we are tentatively set to leave the evening of October the 5th and return on October 13th.  We will arrive in Taiwan on the morning of the 7th and meet Trevor on the 8th.  We will have our appointment with the American Institute in Taiwan for Trevor's visa interview on the 9th.  Usually families are able to get their child's visa the next day, but since the 10th is a national holiday, we won't be able to get our his visa until the following Monday (the 13th).  So we will have three days in Taiwan with Trevor to hang out and sight see.  We will get these plans finalized on Monday night and then we can book our plane tickets!  We are so excited to meet him and bring him home. 

Stay tuned!  The count down has begun!