Thursday, October 16, 2008

Finally Home!!

Well, we made it! It's been a busy few days and there is a lot to say. So, I'm just going to type. Then, I'm going to add posts with pictures of what I talk about in this post and you can match up what picture goes with what part of the story. I can't promise that the pictures will be posted in order, so it will be kind of like a game...

Anyway - Trevor was very good through the 30+ hours of travel. He slept for most of the flying time and in San Francisco. We let him crawl around in Atlanta and he pushed his stroller around. Mostly on his knees, but a few times he got up on his feet and walked as he pushed!! (We are thinking about starting a pool and taking dates for when he starts walking. I think it will be before the end of October. Poor Grendel!) The only really tough part of the travel time was on the second flight. He got fussy and we knew he wanted to be held and walked, but the fasten seat belt sign was lit, so we couldn't get up. He was not a happy baby! Allan tried to make him happy by military pressing him in the air till his muscles gave out. At least the other passengers enjoyed giggles rather than his cries for a bit.

Getting off the plane in San Francisco was probably the best part of the trip. As soon as we set foot in the airport, he became an American Citizen. We tried to wait until most of the people got off the plane so we could tape the moment, but I think we annoyed people anyway. But we were excited. Immigration was easy. We just handed the nice man our envelope and he checked to make sure we had all the paperwork and told us we should get his certificate in the mail with in a couple of months!

Trevor also has a way with the ladies. We lost count of how many girlfriends he picked up on the way, but every flight attendant, every woman we sat near, every ticket agent, random people in the airport, fell all over him and his cuteness. I don't know if we have said it before, but we are in trouble in about 12 years!

Aunt Jill and Da were at Newark to meet us. They were both very excited to meet him and Jill did the best impersonation of Niagara Falls I have ever seen! When we got home, the neighbors came out to meet him and we found our house decorated. Aunt Jill is responsible for the stork and Aunt Jen, Uncle Jon, and BFF Ryan came to our house and decorated our living room and Trevor's room with banners and balloons and streamers. It was a great homecoming until...

Trevor saw Grendel. Al and I went in to give her some attention before we brought Trevor in. She was interested in him and came onto the stairs to sniff and check him out and he started shaking and howling. We don't think he had ever seen, let alone been near, an animal. (Maybe if he hadn't slept through the zoo...) Grendel, being Grendel, was pretty chill. She just trotted away. Every time he saw her for the first few hours he clutched at us and shuddered and screamed. It made his whole transition to our house harder than it had to be, because he was scared of her walking into the room. She just walked away every time he started crying, but she also cried quite a bit for attention. Between Trevor being scared of Grendel and Grendel being jealous of Trevor, it made for a stressful couple of hours.

Now if you think jet lag is bad, it is nothing compared to a jet lagged baby! He slept in the pack and play for about four hours and then woke up. Al got up with him and put on some Baby Einstein. He said that by the end of the video, he had Trevor sleeping next to him and G-Cat laying on his legs. He didn't put Trevor back int he pack and play when he came back to bed and I woke up to find Trevor sleeping on Allan's stomach and Grendel sleeping on mine. This morning, she was laying next to him and he put his head on her for a brief moment. So I think they'll get used to each other and be friends before too long.

Today we unpacked and ran some errands. Trevor was not too sure about car seats, shopping carts (howled getting into and out of both), Babies R Us, Sam's Club or Shop Rite.

To make a long story short, it's been a rough 24 hours. Between all the new experiences, the cat, the fact that we don't actually live in a four and a half star hotel, and that he hasn't seen Grandmom and Grandpop today (I think he really misses them), we've all had a hard time. But hopefully we'll all get used to this "new normal" before long.

We'd like to thank every one for the emails and messages over the past couple of weeks. Your love and support are very much appreciated. We are all very lucky to have such great family and friends!

JL, Allan, Trevor, and Grendel

Ps- stay tuned for pictures!
Pps- please excuse any typos/bad usage and mechanics. It's been a long couple of days! I'm not thinking too gudly...