Sunday, October 26, 2008


We took Trevor to his first football game on Friday night. Go Cougars!!

He stayed for the whole time and was an absolute angel. He let the kids and band parents hold. He even let W and K hold him. Now, the kids warn me not to give him to Adam because they are afraid he will throw him. See, since the start of the marching band, he has been telling the band that if they give a good enough performance, the audience will throw babies at them. And recently he has been saying that Trevor is available for throwing... Now, the band gave their best performance of the season, but we did NOT throw any babies. Including the T-Rex. Trevor was aloud to hit a bass drum after the game, and he enjoyed it a bit too much. With the way he likes to bang on things, I am very scared he will become a drummer. I'll have to make sure he hangs out with the trombones and tubas more often...

Trevor meets Guardie (the color guard's mascot).

Trevor and Kawika.