Saturday, November 22, 2008

Trevor's Chew Toys

I don't know how many people have commented on what a happy baby Trevor is! Well, he is, most of the time. But he's also teething and so he often takes on the persona of "Mr. Grumpy Pants". We just usually don't take pictures and video of this alternate personality. It also means that he puts just about anything in his mouth. So I thought for this post it would be fun to share some random pictures of some of the things Trevor has chewed on in the past couple of weeks.

Beaded teething rings.

Baby nasal aspirators.

Shapes from his elephant shape sorter.

Ice Packs.

And, of course, the a fore mentioned sock.

Keep in mind that this is just a short list consisting of items we have captured in his mouth on camera. The complete list is much, much, much longer!!