Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

This weekend was a mix of awesome and not so awesome. Thanksgiving was great! The food was fantastic! (Janet is an AWESOME cook!!!) And, of course, the highlight was introducing Trevor to several of his aunts, uncles, and cousins. Trevor was awesome and everyone loved him and took pictures of him like the paparazzi. Trevor also had a great time playing with his cousins, Ben and Evan. Ben and Evan were awesome with him and it was really fun to watch the three of them.

Then came Friday. During the day, I baked the cake for Trevor's birthday party on Saturday. But toward the evening, as Al and I started to decorate the cake, we began to feel a bit queasy. We thought that maybe one of the ingredients of the cake was bad, so we decided to be on the safe side, we'd throw it out and get a cake from Shop Rite in the morning. Then over the course of the night, we both threw up. So we thought maybe it was something we ate at dinner on Friday night. Then Al's mom called to say she and Grandpop were sick and so were several other family members. What we think happened is that we caught a stomach bug. The end result of which is that we had to cancel the party. Thankfully Trevor did not get sick, but he was very put out that mom and dad opted to lay like lumps on the couch on Saturday and watch the Avatar marathon on TV instead of playing. What can I say, we were both sick we could barely move, let alone play. But hey, at least Avatar is quality television.

Anyway - We are disappointed about the party, but, it's OK, these things happen. We are just happy that everyone is on the path to recovery!

We thought you might like some pictures of Turkey-day so:

Trevor and Grandpop

Trevor and Uncle Ron. Trevor liked Uncle Ron and sat happily on his lap several times!
Trevor playing with Ben and Evan. (That's a coaster on his head. Apparently he likes the coasters at Grandmom and Grandpop's. I don't know, the kid walks with socks in his mouth and wears coasters on his head. What can I say?)
More play with Ben and Evan. Ben and Evan were crawling on the floor with Trevor and Trevor decided that Ben was a horse. Like I said, they got along really well and I am so glad they got the chance to play.

Trevor and Aunt Sis watching Uncle Bruce carve the turkey. I love turkey.

Trevor eating the turkey that Uncle Bruce carved. His bib is pretty cute. It says, "I'm stuffed" and has a picture of a turkey on it. We tried to take a picture of it, but Trevor wasn't cooperating during that photo session and most of them turned out like this:
and we wouldn't want to post pictures like this one. Oh, wait...

Trevor and Daddy taking a Turkey nap!