Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sitting in the Airport


We are currently in the San Francisco Airport waiting for the China Airlines check in line to open so we can check in for our flight to Taipei. I cannot tell you how long we have been living in Airport Land, mainly because time here has no meaning. They tell me it's Sunday, but I don't remember Saturday ever ending and tomorrow will be Tuesday.

We did, however, escape for a few brief hours and went to Fisherman's Wharf where we:


Played Ski Ball

and saw the Golden Gate Bridge


and some sea lions

We had a pretty good time.

Anyway - just wanted to let you know that despite the fact that we are tired and don't know what day it is, we are doing fine. We'll be in Taipei in a matter of hours! I'll let you know how things are going after we check into our hotel.