Sunday, October 26, 2008

Random Thoughts

Hey all!

I know I am posting in bulk tonight, but I finished all of the school work I brought home and until a few hours ago, I had planned to be watching Sunday night football right now. But apparently someone in sports scheduling land has decided that the World Series is more important than Sunday night football and did not schedule a game for tonight. What's up with that?!

Anyway - a lot of people have been asking me how Trevor and Grendel are getting along. They are doing pretty well. They don't seem to be afraid of each other (although maybe Grendel should be), and Grendel does not seem to be as jealous. He is chasing her and she is always able to stay just out of reach. On Friday, Trevor started to fuss a little before I was ready for him to get out of bed so I brought him into our bed and laid him on my chest and Grendel curled up on my legs and it was absolute paradise. Until the alarm went off. I was told I should have called out. Reason for absence? Covered in cuteness!

We're still adjusting on all ends, but it is getting better every day. I can't wait until I am off and get my time to stay home with him!