Friday, October 10, 2008

Bars with Babysitters

Everyone in our hotel loves Trevor. The maids all coo over him. The women in the executive lounge ask about him and come to see him when ever we go down. Random people in the elevator tell us how cute he is... But nothing compares to this next story.

OK, so we decided to have dinner in the bar area of our hotel. (Now, I know that sounds bad, taking a baby to a bar, but it really isn't a bar like place, more like a really nice restaurant with comfortable seating.) They didn't have a high chair, so the manager, Mr. Lai put two leather chairs together and filled it with pillows for Trevor to lie in. Then he gave Trevor a cookie, which Trevor loved. In fact, every one of the staff who came to our table gave T-rex a lot of attention. Mr. Lai especially. He played with him while we ate and when Trevor began to get fussy, he held him and put him to sleep. He had a magic touch. He got Trevor to sleep and he stayed that way even when Mr. Lai took a phone call. He was even able to transfer Trevor from his arms into the "crib" with out him waking up - a maneuver that never quite works out for mom and dad. We took detailed notes and really wanted to see if he would come up to our room at about 9:00 every night to put Trevor to sleep for us. We have been trying Mr. Lai's strategies for about a half an hour and none of them work as well for us. Maybe with practice... But at least we were able to eat in peace with out Trevor grabbing at our food and squirming in our laps...

Anyway - I guess you had to be there. Enjoy the pictures!