Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother's Day Adventure

Hi all! Our first Mother's Day adventure was to Longwood Gardens. We had a pretty fun time. Trevor was, of course, cute and he behaved pretty well for most of the afternoon. He liked to try to touch the plants as we walked by them. I'm not sure how people at the Gardens feel about that one, but it was cute to watch. There are a couple of children's gardens there. First we took him to the one in the conservatory. He wasn't too sure about it. It was inclosed and crowded and pretty loud, but we did get him to smile a couple of times. The other children's garden is outside and he had quite an adventure. He decided he liked playing in the fountain. Splashing in the fountain actually. He got soaked. We had an extra shirt to change him into, but not an extra pair of pants. We spent about a half hour pushing him around in his stroller with only his shirt and his diaper while I held his pants out in the sun and the breeze to dry them. Luckily it was very sunny and warm. Even luckier that he's young enough that no one cared that he was seeing Longwood Gardens in his underwear! We ended the outing with a trip to La Tolteca for some enchiladas. It was Trevor's first experience with enchiladas, and he seemed to like them. He had his with red sauce. We figured we'd work him up to green.

Anyway - here are some pictures with captions. Enjoy!

"Daddy, I just got splashed! I'm not sure if I like it..."

"Ooh neat! I wonder what that little blue flower feels like!"

"Fountains are kind of fun..."

"This one looks fluffy! Wonder if it's as soft as Grendel..."

"I heard someone say that there was an outside fountain around somewhere. Let's see if I can find it on the map."

"It's got to be here some where. I just need to look a little closer..."

"It's that way!"

"Silly maps are so hard to fold propperly. I need an iPhone!"

"This chair is just my size!"

"I'm tired of sitting. Time to play!"

"Watch me make waves!"

"Dude, where are my pants?"

"There they are! They're dry enough mom! This is embarrasing!"

"Mmm... Enchiladas..."